Welcome new comer to the world of JavaScripting and all of its wonders. Here you will learn all that you need to know about scripting and the terminology used to better get you acquainted. Utilizing what you have learned can spice up your pages and bring them to life, so lets get started and find out what your made of!
This is written for you
Now we can't assume anything but if you have a good understanding of HTML and CSS, then the next logical step would be learning the inter-activities of JavaScript and how it can spruce up the end user's web experience, so I welcome you back for another enjoyable journey into the world wide web! From this point on we will start from scratch since we don't assume that you know anything about programing or scripting. We also do not assume that you are an expert in HTML (though if you are, that's just fine). The assumption is that you at least have the basic building blocks for building Web pages, and can apply links, images, and forms to it.
A little bit of history
In September of 1995 a developer by the name Brendan Erich created the coding language known as LiveScript but was later rename as JavaScript before it was officially launched in beta form for the Netscape Navigator browser. The change of the name confused users at first because they thought it was a spin-off of the programming language Java, which has been the misconception that both Java and JavaScript are the same, but they are not. The difference between the two is that Java is a descendant C and C++ which are strictly for building applications for computers and devices. JavaScript on the other hand is a coding language that uses these applications to access their features. For instance a car is built in a factory with many features and mechanical parts and ready to use. Then when get the car and we either have to learn how to use it or read the manual. The manual for the car is then like JavaScript which are the instructions on how to use the car.
To read more about the history
Now it's time to jump in
The best part of JavaScript is that cool things can happen right away with just a simple script on your Web page, then when you want to add more advanced features, then just add as needed. By the time you get through this tutorial, you'll be using advance interactivity using Ajax and JQuery.
All journeys start with baby steps, so as long as you have read this far, then why not continue and see what is in the horizon for you. Thanks for joining me and I hope you will find this tutorial helpful in your daily life.