Brougher Companion Animal Shelter • 3159 Susquehanna Trail Nnorth • York, PA 17406 717-764-6109 • Tu. & Thu. 10am - 7pm • Fri. & Sat. 10am - 4pm
Shelter Hours Tuesday & Thursday: 10am-7pm Friday & Saturday: 10am-4pm Closed Sunday, Monday & Wednesday The shelter is open on Sunday and Wednesday for pet adoption, by appointment only, to provide a quiet and relaxed opportunity to meet our animals.

Cats available for adoption the Pet Shoppe 539 S Main St Shrewsbury.
Cats at PetSmart in Hanover
We have cats available for adoption at the PetSmart in Hanover. Click here for photos of the PetSmart cats.

FOX's Furry Friends
Kim Rollo and our shelter animals are featured every fourth Wednesday on the FOX morning news. Look for our appearance between 8 and 9am.

Most of our pets are dogs and cats but we rescue all kinds of animals including rabbits and birds. These wonderful rabbits need a new home and can make great pets. Our adorable rabbits are housed in our small animal room adjacent to cat rooms. We have volunteers who cater to the needs of the rabbits housed at our facility. If you are considering a rabbit for adoption or have questions on general rabbit care, please stop by the shelter to speak with our knowledgeable and dedicated volunteers.

Valentine Pet Photos February 8
Photos will be taken in the shelter lobby from 10:00am to 4:00pm.

Offsite Appearences
Representatives of the York County SPCA, along with shelter dogs and cats will be attending these events:
New Grounds Concert, 284 W. Market St 5:30pm to 7:30pm February 8
ractor Supply Adopt-A-Thon, Route 3o York store 10:00am - 2:00pm February 8
PetsMart Adopt-A-Thon, Route 30 York store, 10:00am to 2:00pm Feb 16.

Personalized Engraved Bricks-
Now is the time to purchase brcks for the next sidewalk installation.
We have cats available for adoption at the PetSmart in Hanover. Click here for photos of the PetSmart cats.

Meet the Pets is on Cable Channel 7, WGCB channel 49. Watch at 11:30 am each Saturday. We thank WGCB for their on-going support of the YCSPCA.
More News

Wish List
These items are needed for the operation of the shelter and your donation of any of these items is greatly appreciated:
- Kitchen Dish Soap.
- Soft Dog Treats Small Bags.
- Large Milk Bones.
- Small/Medium Milk Bones.
- Canned Cat Food.
- Cat Soft Treats Small Bags.
- Pepsi or Coke.
- Products in 12oz. Cans.
- Clay Cat Litter.
- Bleach.
- Wal-Mart Gift Cards.

Spay/Neuter Clinic
Our Spay/Neuter Clinic is now accepting patients from York County and beyond .Our clinic is highly specialized and offers the most up to date spay neuter surgical procedures. Please call (717) 764-6109 today and make an appointment.

Meadowbrook landscaping
Thanks to the Meadowbrook Landscaping (717) 292-4002 for doing a great job on our lawns in 2012.

To see photos from 2013 York County SPCA Benefit Trail Ride
Click on View Album – in lower right corner. You can change the photo size – lower left corner To advance to next group of photos – go to line under 2013 SPCA trail ride at top of photos You must join Shutterfly to download photos – at no cost. After you join they credit your account with 50 free prints.

We Thank the York Daily Record
and their related publications for their continuing support of the YCSPCA and our events.
Foster Homes Needed
Our kennels are full and we want to expand our Dog Foster program, and we need your help. Can you provide a temporary home for a dog while we search for their forever family? Some dogs do not thrive in the kennel environment so your home may make the dog more adoptable to potential families. And by keeping the dog in your home, we have space to house an additional dog in the kennel. Please contact Lisa Belsinger for more information @ 717-764-6109 ext 129 or lbelsinger
Click here for Dog Foster Application

Second Chance Fund
Keller was found as a stray and brought to the SPCA on 5-29-08. He was in horrible condition and needed medical attention. Keller was missing one eye and the other eye was in desperate need of removal due to its' deteriorated state. Keller was taken to Ani-Care Animal Hospital where his eye was removed. He has recovered from the surgery and shows no signs of distress from being completely blind. Keller is a remarkable little dog with a very sweet personality.
Click here to learn about the Second Chance Fund.
Career Opportunity
Volunteer Manager Needed The York County SPCA is seeking a part time Volunteer Manager to oversee the various duties and responsibilities of our many dedicated volunteers. Applicant should have management experience, excellent written and verbal communication skills, and possess working computer knowledge. The hours for this position will vary so applicants must be flexible with their weekly schedule and should be prepared to work some weekends and evenings. Please contact Todd Hevner at or 764-6109 EXT 135 for more information.
Click here to learn about the Second Chance Fund.