Brougher Companion Animal Shelter • 3159 Susquehanna Trail Nnorth • York, PA 17406 717-764-6109 • Tu. & Thu. 10am - 7pm • Fri. & Sat. 10am - 4pm

Mission Statement:
The York County Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (SPCA) is a charitable organization dedicated to providing long-term human and animal services to residents of York County through programs that find permanent, loving homes for displaced and stray animals, help control animal population growth, investigate and prosecute cruelty offenders and educate the general public about animal wellness and safety.

“Thank you for browsing the York County SPCA website. I hope you have found it to be inviting and informative. If you would like to join our outstanding organization or possibly adopt one of our many shelter pets, please contact us or stop by to take a stroll through our facility. I am sure you will be impressed with the atmosphere and with the number of animals that we maintain on a daily basis. The York County SPCA offers a wide variety of services to benefit both the animals in our community and the residents of York County.
Please join us in our goal of improving the lives of the abused and neglected animals and finding homes for the many animals in our care. We need your support to continue to act in this vital role. Please become a member of the York County SPCA and work with us to make our community a place where animals are treated with the respect they deserve.”
Melissa Smith Executive Director, York County SPCA

“ Welcome to our website! Thank you for your interest in our shelter. I know you will be amazed at the range of opportunities you will find. You can take a virtual tour, become a volunteer or foster parent, make a donation, become a member, visit our gift shop, view our charming adoptable pets and learn about upcoming events.
We hope you will feel compelled to visit us and become an active member of our organization. The YCSPCA relies upon our volunteers and our donors. Simply put, without the generous support of people such as you, we would not have been able to serve York County for over 80 years. Our need is never ending but the effort is vastly rewarding. Please help. Whether you donate an item from our wish list, become a volunteer, adopter, or make a monetary donation, your help is vital. Please explore our various programs and services. I am certain, that, like me, you’ll be proud to be part of this amazing organization.”
Sincerely, Kathy Parks King President, Board of Directors