Brougher Companion Animal Shelter • 3159 Susquehanna Trail Nnorth • York, PA 17406 717-764-6109 • Tu. & Thu. 10am - 7pm • Fri. & Sat. 10am - 4pm
Shelter Hours Tuesday & Thursday: 10am-7pm Friday & Saturday: 10am-4pm Closed Sunday, Monday & Wednesday The shelter is open on Sunday and Wednesday for pet adoption, by appointment only, to provide a quiet and relaxed opportunity to meet our animals.
Veterinary Services

Services for Shelter Animals
Our excellent veterinary staff is dedicated to the care of our shelter animals. Our animals receive testing, innoculations, spaying or neutering, and when required, specialized medical care. We do not provide veterinary treatment for non-shelter animals and we recommend that every pet owner obtain the regular services of a professional veterinarian.
Rabies and Microchipping
Several times a year we offer rabies vaccinations and microchipsto the public. The rabies vaccination is $15 and the microchip cost is $25. In order to receive a rabies vaccination that is valid for 3 years, proof of a previous vaccination must be provided. Dogs must be on leash and cats must be in carriers. Microchip registration is the best way to locate lost dogs and cats.
April 19 10am - noon June 14 10am - noon August 9 10am - noon October 18 10am - noon
We recommend that all animals be microchipped. Click here for information about microchipping and costs. Several times a year we offer microchipping to the public. Our next microchip clinic is scheduled for:
Animal Poison Control Hotline
Call 888-426-4435 for emergency information about poisons and your pets.
Bites and Rabies
Bites that break the skin should be examined by a medical doctor. Often a tetnus shot may be recommended. The biting animal must be quarantined; animals may have rabies but not yet exhibiting symptoms. Call 911 if you need help to quarantine an agressive animal
Does your pet need medical treatment?
Take your pet to your veterinarian for examination and treatment with these symptoms: Physical trauma, such as being hit by vehical or falling out a window. Loss of consciousness. Difficulty beathing. Pale gums. Sudden collapse. Seizure activity. Bloated or enlarged belly. Nonproductive retching, especially with a bloated or enlarged belly. Bloody or black/tarry diarhhea. Inability to walk. Strainig to urinate, especially in male cats. Known toxic ingestion, especially of antifreeze, Easter lillies, or rat posison.