Brougher Companion Animal Shelter • 3159 Susquehanna Trail Nnorth • York, PA 17406 717-764-6109 • Tu. & Thu. 10am - 7pm • Fri. & Sat. 10am - 4pm
Shelter Hours Tuesday & Thursday: 10am-7pm Friday & Saturday: 10am-4pm Closed Sunday, Monday & Wednesday The shelter is open on Sunday and Wednesday for pet adoption, by appointment only, to provide a quiet and relaxed opportunity to meet our animals.
Planned Giving
Other than minimal stray dog fees and some minor governmental funding, the York County SPCA is entirely dependent on the generosity of friends and supporters. There are many ways in which all of us can contribute to the SPCA. This page itemizes the many ways in which you can support the Shelter and all of the programs and services that are offered. The York County SPCA is an independent organization and does not receive funds from other charitable organizations. The only way to provide donations to the YCSPCA is to donate to the York County SPCA. Donations to the ASPCA or the PSPCA, or other organizations that advertise on television do not provide any funds to the York County SPCA.
The first step to financially supporting the York County SPCA is by becoming a member. For membership information, click here.

Pewter Paw Society
In our lobby we proudly display the names of the Pewter Paw Society members to recognize those who have made a significant financial donations to our shelter. These donors have contributed $2500- $100,000 to the shelter as gifts, bequests, or memorial contributions. Contributors may use 5 years to aggregate the amount if they choose. The pewter paws are 9" tall replicas of our trademarked logo, created by York County skilled craftsmen.
We are gratetful for the varied bequests that we receive each year. Many members of our community remember that special animal that they obtained from the SPCA, or just wish to support the operation of the YCSPCA, by remembering our organization in their estate. Although 72% of Americans give to charity during their lifetime, only 6% leave anything to charity through their wills. Those are startling statistics given the ease and benefits of making charitable gifts through wills.
If you already have a will, modern word processing allows your attorney to easily add a sentence directing a bequest to the charity of your choice. For example: “I give and bequeath the sum of $(______ dollars) to the York County SPCA ”. The small cost involved in making such a change is far outweighed by the knowledge you have left a legacy for a worthy cause.
If you do not have a will, and are in the process of writing one, the inclusion of bequests to charities would not normally entail any additional legal costs.
In addition to leaving a lasting legacy, your charitable bequest will not be subject to Federal Estate Tax or Pennsylvania Inheritance Tax. Your attorney or tax consultant can provide you with information about the tax benefits of charitable bequests.
With a little effort you can leave a legacy through your will that will help generations to come, and have positive tax results. BUT YOU DO NEED TO MAKE THAT EFFORT. Contact your attorney, describe what you want to do, and then do it. The satisfaction you gain will far exceed the effort.
Throughout its history, the York County SPCA has been generously supported by the residents and businesses of York County. One important way that our donors support the YCSPCA is through a bequest.
There are three types of bequests – specific bequest, residual bequest, and contingent bequest. A specific bequest allows you to designate a specific dollar amount, specific percentage, or specific property to the York County SPCA.
A residual bequest allows you to designate the York County SPCA as a bequest only after your estate pays all debts, taxes, expenses, and specific bequests. The remaining amount – the residual – will be transferred to the York County SPCA.
A contingent bequest allows you to ask that the York County SPCA receive all or a portion of your estate only under certain circumstances. For example, you can name the YCSPCA as a beneficiary of your estate only if there are no surviving close family members. Childless couples sometimes provide for the entire estate to go to the surviving spouse, or if the spouse does not survive, to the York County SPCA.
If you have already made a plan to give to the York County SPCA in your will or estate plan, please contact the executive director at (717) 764- 6109 so we may honor you and learn how we can best apply your donation to our shelter's mission.
The Pet Shoppe
We now have SPCA cats available for adoption in southern York County in Shrewsbury, at 539 S Main St.
Memorial or Tribute Donations

Many families will request that a donation be made to the York County SPCA to honor tha passing of their loved one. When we receive a donation a thank you is sent to the donor and also to the family of the deceased. We are honored when you include our organization in your aspirations to protect and safeguard the animals in our community.
If families accumulate at least $2500 in memorial contributions they will qualify to receive a permanent Pewter Paw in our PAWS OF FAME.
Donation Form
Click here for donation form

Naming Opportunities
Our capital campaign to raise money to build the shelter recognized many donors by permantly dedicating various building features in their name. A few of these opportunities remain and donors are encourage to leave a permanent contribution as part of our new facility.
Click here for additional information
Second Chance Fund

The second chance fund exists to pay for the veterinary care for animals who need medical care that is more extensive than we can provide at our shelter. Sometimes these animals have been injured in accidents and sometimes these animals have been cruelly mistreated. This is an excellent opportunity for those who have a place in their heart for those desperate animals who need a second chance.
Click here for more information on the Second Chance Fund
Personalized Engraved Bricks

Equine Care Fund
The York County SPCA plays an important role in the wellness of horses in our community. In fact, the York County SPCA Humane Officer receives many calls every year regarding the possible abuse or neglect of horses in our community. And, there are times when it is necessary for the shelter to take custody of horses that are not being properly cared for. The York County SPCA is caring for over 20 horses from a recent cruelty investigation. This care includes extensive veterinary care for numerous horses with varying degrees of untreated medical ailments. This care is not only laborious but it is very costly as well. Therefore, the York County SPCA has an Equine Care Fund to help us in this endeavor. Please consider making a tax deductible donation to the Equine Care Fund and help us to continue our mission of caring for mistreated horses!
Legal Information
York County SPCA is pleased to offer you the opportunity to give your contributions to the SPCA through Electronic Funds Transfer (EFT). EFT allows you to have your contribution automatically withdrawn from your checking or savings account on a date specified by you.
How does it work? – By completing the attached form, the SPCA will receive your contribution through an electronic bank transfer. You specify the amount and the frequency of your gifts. The transaction will appear on your bank statement the day after the transaction is initiated by the SPCA.
Click here to download Electronic Funds Transfer form